Learning from Our Mistakes
Jessica Waddell Jessica Waddell

Learning from Our Mistakes

Grant writing is both an art and a science, requiring equal parts creativity and precision. As I’ve grown as a writer, I’ve certainly made mistakes along the way.

What are the lessons I’ve learned?

  1. Write one proposal at a time

  2. Use a pomodoro timer

  3. Start with the end in mind

  4. Ensure your budget is reflected in your narrative

  5. Give your client plenty of lead time

  6. Tie it all together

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Our Ideal Client
Jessica Waddell Jessica Waddell

Our Ideal Client

Who is our ideal client?

A nonprofit who is grant-ready but does not have the capacity to undertake grant writing efforts on their own. We most often work with executive directors who have the skills - but not the time - to research and apply to grants.

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